My husband and I have lost pets in our family over the past 6+ years of our marriage. Let’s face itlosing a pet is awful! Losing a pet is like losing a family member or best friend. Well, after a couple of family pets passed away, we had them sent off to be cremated. When picking up one day my husband was having a friendly chat with a local vet and the topic came up. “Y’all should get into this business,” the vet said. My husband came home and told me, I was pretty hesitant to consider it at first. But with one good night’s sleep, I woke up and said, “We should do this”. We wanted to be able to help people during such difficult times—times that can be overlooked or not fully appreciated by others in the world who haven’t been through such a loss. Special pets can be like our children and they need to be laid to rest respectfully and lovingly like family. 

So here we are about to open up Rainbow Bridge Pet Crematory as a family. We understand. And we are getting ready to serve you.